ShowReparations in Action!
Broadcast TitleAn Iraq War Veteran in Solidarity With National Liberation for All Oppressed Peoples!
Broadcast Date2009-07-19
Record Date2009-07-15
SummarySolidarity Not Charity will play a presentation by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People's Solidarity Committee, from Philadelphia, PA on July 15, 2009. Also, APSC organizers Alison Hoehne and Harris Daniels speak with Jeffrey Wiltsee, a Desert Storm veteran who has been transformed by his experiences in the U.S. imperialist military. Now a member of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, Mr. Wiltsee recognizes the right of colonized peoples to resist imperialist assaults on their land, lives and resources, and takes a principled stand in solidarity with the struggles of oppressed people throughout the world. Hoehne, Daniels and Wiltsee will discuss the circumstances that led Wiltsee to take this courageous stand, and will speak about the current world situation and building solidarity with the exciting, rising movement of national liberation led by African and other oppressed peoples.