ShowAfrica Live
Broadcast TitleFerguson - African Resistance / Two Tales of September 11th / Ebola / InPDUM Annual Convention - September 20-21 in Newark, NJ
Broadcast Date2014-09-14
Record Date2014-09-14

This week on Africa Live- our guest will be:

Omali Yeshitela speaking on Ferguson Missouri and African Resistance, ISIS & NATO, and Two Tales of September 11th - America & Chile. Yeshitela is the Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party and the African Socialist International. APSP

Luwezi Kinshasa - discussing the politics of Ebola and recent events in Libya. Kinshasa is the Secretary General of the African Socialist International. ASI

Waleeah Brooks - discussing the upcoming International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement annual convention, entitled, "Block by Block, City by City, Let's Get Organized to Liberate the African Community" on September 20 -21st in Newark New Jersey. This event will mark 23 years of InPDUM fighting for African and oppressed working class people around the world. Brooks is the President of InPDUM. InPDUM