ShowBlack Agenda Radio
Broadcast Title$15/hour wage campaign in Seattle; Supreme Court decision on campaign financing; Activists in 7 cities protest "mega spy centers"; More from Vanderbilt Univ. Conf.
Broadcast Date2014-04-23
Record Date

Seattle Conference to Kick Off $15 an Hour Ballot Initiative
On April 26th, the 15 Now campaign will kick off a drive to collect 50,000 signatures to put the wage increase on the ballot.

Supreme Court Decision Renders U.S. a "Zombie Democracy"
The recent McCutcheon ruling, which allows the rich to spend virtually unlimited funds on political campaigns, confirms that the "system doesn't really function, it has no internal life," said Ajamu Baraka, an editor and columnist for Black Agenda Report.

Fusion Spy Centers Target Activists
Human rights activists in 7 cities recently protested against U.S. intelligence Fusion Centers that allow local law enforcement and contractors to share information on political dissent.

Black Lives Endangered in Detroit, Chicago, Congo
The crowds that come to hear about the slaughter of six million Congolese since 1996 "the biggest genocide since World War Two" don't make a distinction between what's taking place on the South Side of Chicago, or in Detroit, and what's happening in the Congo, said Maurice Carney, executive director of Friends of Congo.

Blacks and "Bio-Sexual Politics"
David Austin, Montreal-based author of Fear of a Black Nation took part in "Black Folk in Dark Times: A Workshop on Sovereignty, Citizenship and Freedom" at Vanderbilt University, in Nashville.