ShowAfrica Live
Broadcast TitleMoving Forward - Omali Yeshitela from the frontline of Ferguson, Missouri / Union del Barrio - from the frontline of California / Firoze Manji - Africa's Resources: Extraction vs Amputation
Broadcast Date2014-08-31
Record Date2014-08-31

On today's show we will hear from Omali Yeshitela from on the frontline of the rebellion in Ferguson, Missouri. On August 9th, 2014 in the early afternoon Michael Brown an 18-year old unarmed African was killed with his hands and arms raised. Yesterday, August 30th A National March on Ferguson Missouri, Yeshitela will talk about the rebellion, the March and the forward motion of the African Revolution. Yeshitela is the Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party and the African Socialist International. ASIUHURU.ORG

Comrade Chavo from Union del Barrio will be joining us today to discuss the police beating of Marlene Pinnock and the police murders of Omar Abrego and Ezell Ford and the colonial conditions that Mexicans and Africans are living under in Los Angles and what is being done about it by the People.

The status and future of Africa's non-renewable natural resources is topic that we discuss often on Africa Live, today we will talk with Firoze Manjiwho recently wrote an article in Al Jazeera, entitled: Development or Amputation? The role of extractive industries: How much is Africa benefitting from the extraction of its abundant resources? Manji is the director of the Pan-African Baraza and was the the founder and former executive director of Fahamu and editor of Pambazuka Press, an online news magazine.